
Showing posts from March, 2025

No, Russia didn't start the war - Trump is right, US did. It was Obama who 2013 planned to take over Russia's Sevastopol military base, which led to the heavily oppressed* Crimeans overwhelmingly asking to belong to Russia.

* Ukraine has a long history of oppressing Russian language, religion and ethnicity. This is also why Estonian and Latvian politicians so eagerly oppress a quarter of their population just because they speak Russian. And Lithuanian politicians dream of restoring the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which covered most of Ukraine. Is this why EU has put these countries politicians to lead its warmongering. Grand Duchy of Lithuania   A recorded public time-line of Peter Klevius original research on evolution, consciousness, existencecentrism, anthropology and sociology 1979-2012 - and some thoughts about self-citation   Read Peter Klevius in-depth research on The Psychosocial Freud Timeline . Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.  Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa .  Peter Klevius opposite read...

2020 Peter Klevius presented his analysis that perfectly fits the evidence in the 1986 PM Olof Palme murder - and 100% debunks the official final police conclusion from the same year.

 Yet Swedish "alternative" media's opinion dictator Mikael Willgert continues year after year spreading the most wacky (together with the "nukes under WTC) conspiracy theory ever, i.e. that the Swedish government arranged a "theater murder", and that Palme was moved abroad. We certainly have a a huge problem with misinformation from ordinary media already, but people like Mikael Willgert certainly backs them up with his cherry picked nonsense. Of course there's a market for senseless fairy tales, but pushing for it has the opposite effect of criticizing/correcting main stream media.    Peter Klevius wrote: Aftonbladet 26 August 2024: Razor-sharp and credible about the murder of Olof Palme. Almost surreal that new things can come to light in the case. August 26, 2024 Read Peter Klevius in-depth research on The Psychosocial Freud Timeline . Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after ...