Peter Klevius UK election analysis: UK's one-party rule continues under an other name - yet with only a tiny fraction of the people supporting its policy.

See how US stole the world-dollar 1971 - and how China's rise challenges US stolen dollar hegemony.

The US demonized China has nothing to do with the real China, but all to do with US dollar embezzlement that makes it possible for US to spend despite constant trade deficit. US is the world's biggest counterfeiter - and a dangerous loser!

To understand US fear of China (the "China threat"), you need to understand 1) the background, i.e. US enormous 1971 dollar theft and its escalating consequences now, 2)  the fact that China is already superior in every area* of tech and science, as well as meritocratic real democracy.  Moreover, China has no reason to start wars - while US whole existence (the stolen dollar hegemony) depends on warmongering (militarization), and starting and continuing wars. And to understand how low the US led West has sunk, just consider BBC implying Russia deliberately targeting a children's hospital (why would Russia ask for more negative news?!) while not mentioning with a word Israel's slaughtering in Gaza and West bank the same day - not to mention the more than 40,000 Palestinians already murdered - most of them children and innocent adults!

* Both US and China itself try to downplay China's success - for different reasons.

 Watch how US stole the dollar. When Nixon 1971 admitted US dollar theft (while lying it was temporary) said 'your dollar may not give you as much abroad as before", that statement actually defined the amount of US embezzlement, because when the US dollar was no longer pegged to gold - only pegged to the whims of US Federal Reserve - it meant that the world dollar (outside US) had to pay for US deficit. So the Bretton Woods (1944) all world currency dollar that was pegged to gold under the custodianship of the Fed, after the theft 1971 (i.e. US violation of the gold connection) the dollar became split in two: a US dollar covering US deficit, and a world dollar that pays for it - both under the custodianship of US. What the US Fed is doing is controlling both currencies while favoring the US dollar.

 US is the real enemy - and modern meritocratic high tech China is the real friend for any country that chooses peace and prosperity instead of militarism, war and misery!


"British" election "democracy" is a laughing stock as far from the will* of the people you can get. 

* The party whip crashes some half of the main wishes of its voters. This is why meritocracy widely outperforms "one-party democracy".

This short talk from 2013 eerily holds even more today - yet doesn't address the main problem, i.e.  how the dollar thieve (1971-) US desperation now hurts the West and the rest precisely because of China's meritocratic success!

 Labour got 33.9% of active voters but got 411 seats out of 650.

The combined national vote for the Labour and Conservative parties was 57.6%.

The Conservatives took 23.6% of the active voters and won 121 seats.

Number of overall votes: 6,755,953.

14.3% of active voters gave only 5 seats for Reform. 

12.2% gave 72 seats to Liberal party

66% of voters didn't support Labour.

The lower overall turnout means that despite increasing Labour's vote share, the party secured just 9,686,329 overall votes in 2024, compared with a total of 10,295,912 under Jeremy Corbyn in 2019 - a result deemed a catastrophic failure by many.

Elect and regret: Western "democracies" are vulnerable to the evil influence of $-embezzler (since 1971) US, because the "centrist gravity" erases differences while opening up for powerful political coteries steered by US.

Therefore, dissdent voices are labeled "far" and "extremist" even when thay are not.

Meritocratic, and controlled capitalism supporting modern (after Mao) China is as far from far right and far left you can get.


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