While Peter Klevius "islamophobia" is criticism against how sharia islamism violates basic Universal Human Rights (UDHR 1948), Swedish "alternative" media is a concoction of xenophobic and religious racism and unfounded conspiracy theories.

Read Peter Klevius Origin of the Vikings from 2005 - now again available after Google deleted it 2014 and again in February 2024.

Read how climate change made human evolution possible in SE Asian volatile archipelago - not on a continent like Africa

Read how two craniopagus twins born 2006 solved the "greatest mystery in science" - and proved Peter Klevius theory from 1992-94 100% correct.

It's an irony that "Christian values" propagating Samnytt (as does Swebbtv) in Sweden jumps on a concert by Christian singer Elissa whose mother* tongue happens to be Arabic. 

* Elissa's criticism of her harsh mother and her love for her father may be seen as a secondary level of how her personality cuts into the birth pain of the modernization of an Arabism that has been kept hostage by islamism for some 1400 years.

Swedish "alternative" media seems to be completely blind to $-thieve (since 1971-) US backed Sionist Israel's crimes against Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians etc.

Palestinians are usually, openly or covertly, derogatively described in Swedish "alternative" media. Swebbtv's simpleminded censoring dictator clown Mikael Willgert thought Palestinians were "uneducated", so when Peter Klevius commented that Palestinians are one of the most well educated people in the world, Willgert blocked Peter Klevius possibilities to comment - as he seems to have done with most he disagrees with - especially if they - God forbid - say anything positive about China.

How US robs the world - release the bomb by clicking it!

How US robs the world

Swedish "alternative" Swebbtv is equally Sinophobic as the mainstream media - and led by a dictatorial intellectually dwarfed China hating clown.

Peter Klevius: Sadly, Swebbtv's main asset Lars Bern is completely wrong when thinking US goal is to get access to Russian raw materials, when in fact the real motive is to contain China, i.e. the same as everywhere else around China. And weakening or even splitting Russia is even that a secondary goal, while the most important is to surround Russia with US short distance "low yield" nukes, i.e. what was ultimately behind Obama's threat 2013 to ploace US nukes on Crimea around Sevastopol, and the push to get NATO closer to Russia which forced Russia to invade Ukraine 2022.US knows that China's progress means US losing its stolen dollar hegemony if it can't stop China

Swedish white "alternative" supremacists* prefer Russia but are against China because Russians are seen positively as "monotheist" Caucasians while Chinese are seen negatively as Atheist Mongoloids - despite the fact both Russians and Chinese speak languages most Swedes don't master, and use a scripts system foreign to most Swedes.

* Do realize that the whole of US dictated West - not only "alternative" mental clowns like Willgert on Swebbtv - suffers from a white (incl. s.c. "uncle Toms", i.e. colored Western Sinophobes) supremacism, i.e. the completely unfounded and debunked (by e.g. the existence of Japan and China) delusion that West's "monotheistic" "democracy" is somehow superior to China's meritocracy, the world's oldest civilization and country. And when Japan stopped making war, it easily outperformed the West in every aspect. The 12 times bigger China repeats it, and restores its position as it was before the Western colonialism and imperialism made possible with copied/stolen Chinese inventions.



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