Peter Klevius intellectual aid: The ugly face of fascism is here again hurting UK. It was originally painted by US Red Scare propaganda 1917 and now repeats itself as Sinophobic hate incited by $-thief US echoing its 19th C. Yellow Peril Sinophobia.
David Webb got his facts right although not his conclusion. The Great Taking is the result, not of personal evil, but of US 1971- dollar theft which made it to choose a cover-up* instead of bankruptcy. This is why China's success now is a "threat" to US stolen hegemony! * The means for the enormous embezzlement and cover up was already there in the form of the peculiar 1913 born anti-democratic and secretive Federal Reserve cartel of private US banks, and the "exorbitant privilege" embedded in the 1944 Bretton Woods US forced "agreement" which gavw US the full control over what was meant to be the world dollar, but essentially ended up as a US dollar controlled by US, and a world dollar also controlled by US. The difference being that the US could print dollar for itself without the ordinary economic and financial constraints other central banks have. It's truly an irony that the originally Spanisg dollar was colonized together with Spanish colonie...