$-thief US (1971-) oppression of Afghan women: After US was kicked out, it used its stolen finance tentacles to block aid - which led to more radical Taliban gaining power.

First US started stealing the gains of the world dollar (1971-)* while the world pays the difference. Then US also begun stealing directly from countries and people it dislikes.

How $-embezzler US robs the world - click to release the bomb.

How US robs the world

* By 1971 violating a fair balance between world currencies and the dollar, while still keeping its "exorbitant privilege" from 1944, US has been able to print as much as it likes while US deficit is payed by the rest of the world - which of course hurts the poorest the most.

Except for blocking the ordinary aid via World Bank, IMF etc. US also used its global lawfare to confiscate assets worth around $7 billion belonging to Da Afghanistan Bank, making it look "legal" by having a single judge signing what in effect was just based on one of a multitude of criminal congressional acts against foreign countries that only a global dictator like rogue state US could do. Then Biden allocated half of it to 9/11 victims - although it has no connection to Afghan people as such - and deposited all the money in a bank in Switzerland guarded by a US official placed on the bank's board.

$-freeloader (1971-) US - with a habit of using islamists as part of its militant abuse of the world - was perfectly aware of the catastrophic consequences for the governing of Afghanistan that would be the consequences, i.e. that the hardcore Taliban would push away the moderate ones, hence causing a backlash for Afghan girls/women - which fact US then insidiously used as "see what happened when we left", a mantra eagerly picked up by fascist BBC presenters like e.g. Sarah Montague and others.


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